Vol. 30 No. 3 (2023)
Articles de recherche
Revisiting “Pedagogy of Discomfort” Through the Combined Lenses of “Inconvenience” and “Affective Infrastructure”: Pedagogical and Political Insights
Buen Vivir and the Art of Living: Comparing Western and Latin American Perspectives on Living a “Good Life”
We Aren’t All Integrationists: A Radical Critique of Racial School Integration
Dialogue et débat
Recensions de livres
Review of The Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory by Christopher Martin (Oxford University Press, 2022)
Review of Beyond Rhetoric: New Perspectives on John Dewey’s Pedagogy by Michael Knoll (Peter Lang, 2022)
Review of Critical Reflections on Teacher Education: Why Future Teachers Need Educational Philosophy by Howard Woodhouse (Routledge, 2023)
Review of Touchy Subject: The History and Philosophy of Sex Education by Lauren Bialystok and Lisa M. F. Andersen (University of Chicago Press, 2022)