Vol. 23 No. 2 (2016)
Research Articles
Philosophy for Children Meets the Art of Living: A Holistic Approach to an Education for Life
The Epistemology Behind the Educational Philosophy of Montessori: Senses, Concepts, and Choice
Envisioning the Experience of Others: Moral Imagination, Practical Wisdom and the Scope of Empathy
Cultivating Identities: The Catholic School as Diverse Ecclesial Space
Dialogue and Debate
Catholic Schooling and the Permeation Trap
Respect With Recognition? A Defence of the OCSTA’s “Respecting Difference” Policy
A Citation Analysis of Philosophy of Education Journals
The Sticky Side of Hypocrisy: Environmental Activism in an Oil-Drenched World
No Need to Worry: Multiple Profiles of Philosophy of Education in, and in Relation to, the World of Education and the World of Philosophy
Book Reviews
From the Archives...